Monday, August 18, 2008


I woke up in the temple.
Naked and cold, on a stone floor in a garden, I awoke to the sound of a fountain and the sight of Ylessa and Morhiag in the sky. Walls all around me and a pathway leading off to the side, but I was lying down on the floor as if I had been laid out...and I was sore.
And I'm not talking about "Ohhh, I've done a lot and now I hurt a bit." I mean the kind of sore that makes you wonder what you did the day before, the frightening sort can't remember. I searched my mind and was rewarded with a headache the size of the Dragon himself.
I looked up at the fountain and that was what it was. A dragon, spewing water like it should fire. Just like the one that used to be in the Centre Square so far back, only much smaller. It took me a while to come out of my daze and be able to climb to my feet. I was fairly surprised that I didn't tumble as soon as I was vertical. I'm typically unbalanced, and right then, with my stomach turning and my whole body not wanting to do anything, I really wouldn't have blamed my feet for not wanting to hold me.
But they did and I stumbled to the fountain and simply sat there for a while. I waited.
And waited.

And thought. I thought about how I came to this place, and came up with many wild concotions. Mostly, I tried very hard to remember the day before, but failed. I could...remember snippets of days, but nothing like a full day. It's difficult to explain, and worse to feel. Like parts of my mind were gone. The last thing I really remembered bath, with Junaal and Cylan. I remember Junaal being far too lovey and Cylan being uncomfortable; Junaal wanted me to leave with him, but I had a bad feeling and opted to stay with Cylan, because I hadn't seen him in a while and I missed the darling. Junaal had gotten all irked and left and I stayed the night with Cylan, and we cuddled and...
Now I was here.

Footsteps scuffed on the stone from the pathway and I looked up sharply, which admittedly shook my headache, but I was okay with it. A man with long blonde hair shuffled into the area, looking sleepy and stopped short.
"Did I miss something fun?" Admittedly, not the smartest thing to say whilst naked and bloody.
Blink blink. "Ummm...I...what are you doing here?" asked the priest, who was busy staring at my breasts, which I promptly covered.
"Where -am- I?"
"The Temple of Cymur."
Instantly, my mind shouted it. Heahstan had brought me here! Certainly he must have something to do with this mess! I asked the priest, but he was too busy staring at my nakedness to recall anything but the way back to the Gardens.
Once out, it was damn dark and I was still naked and damn cold and stumbling through landscaping is not fun when you hurt all over.
Luckily, Cylan found me. He was staring listlessly at the pond when I fumbled my way over. I demanded to know what happened; this was ridiculous at this point.
And he informed me that I had died.

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