Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Old Lady Tattletale

Mama told on me.
When Pa got home from gathering for Raul, Ma told him that I had pushed her down and yelled at her. Said she nearly died and called me all sorts of bad names.
I sat, guilty, on my bed. Pa had threatened last time to make me leave and this time, he was going to. If only to save himself the headache that the woman he loved had become.
Twisting his straw hat in his hands, he got all red in the face as he tried to hold back anger. He's better at that than I am, but it didn't work and he yelled at me. Pa doesn't call me names, but it's worse when he shouts at me. He's so disappointed that Ma can't love me that sometimes I think he's stopped loving me too.
"Young lady, this is the last straw!"
"I'm sorry Pa..."
"Get your things and get out of my house."
"Yes Pa..."

All of us were crying. I think Ma was just crying to cry, like she does sometimes, but Pa was angry and I was sad. I didn't even grab all my things, but I lifted Raul's old journal that he had given me and now it's mine to tell people things.

So I'll stop telling about Ma and Pa for now.

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